Content Marketing-A Simple Guide from Basics to Advance - Tarannum Khan


Do you want to learn about Content Marketing?


Do your efforts are enough to bring traffic and increase sales via content marketing?? If not, what strategies you should adopt.

How do quality content can improve your content marketing strategies & inbound marketing strategies in 2018?? Your answers are here.

Before starting up the dos and don’ts, pros & cons and how & why of the Inbound Marketing Strategy, YOU MUST KNOW;




CONTENT MARKETING can be defined as a concrete and strategic marketing approach that focuses on creation and distribution of valuable, relevant & quality content for attraction and retention of a specific audience – that drives profitable customer action. 

In content marketing, you focus on the resolution of the issues of your audience by providing relevant quality content.




INBOUND MARKETING is a strategic utilization of tactics & strategies to attract potential customers to find your brand. So what you need for INBOUND MARKETING STRATEGY are Great Content, Website Optimization, Social Media Sharing, Blogs, Events, SEO Strategy, Email Marketing, Social Media Strategy, SEO Related Content, and so on.

Before going ahead, have a look at the marketing statistics to understand content marketing better.


Content Marketing Statistics








Now the above marketing statistics are able to sort out your issues that how your content can rule the marketing plan. Work out on your content marketing plan and see the results. 




inbound marketing-strategies for marketers



In Short, Content marketing is a subset of inbound marketing while inbound marketing is the superset of content marketing. This means it is inclusive of all content assets but is not limited to them.

In general, content marketing is an element of inbound marketing so you cannot plan for inbound marketing without content marketing. Check out New Inbound Marketing Strategy to get Better Inbound Marketing Leads.


Content Marketing Strategies


Trying to explain in a simpler way, the following steps will surely help you to make your inbound and content marketing strategies.


# SET TARGET:  Target One Goal at a Time


You should set a target for your Content Marketing Plan. Whether it is content marketing strategy or inbound marketing strategy, you should be clear about your outcome result. It could be to grow subscribers, branding, customer acquisition & sales, lead conversion or customer retention.


 # QUALITY CONTENT: Win-Win Strategy


When we talk about QUALITY CONTENT, it is the freshness and uniqueness. There is no substitute for quality content that drives huge traffic to your website.

You can opt for INFOGRAPHICS, WHITE PAPERS, EBOOKS, BLOG POSTS, SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS, VIDEOS, LIVE STREAMING & WEBINARS.  You need to craft topics that serve the purpose for both readers and company/brand.


# FOCUS:  Audience


The ultimate goal of marketing strategies is to acquire and retain customers. You must have a clear idea of the niche, you are going to serve.

In accordance with the responsive market, do more research on high domain authority websites of your niche to know what type of content is getting more response.

These sorted out queries will surely clarify your doubt about your ideal & potential readers. 

For INBOUND MARKETING, research on a complete list of keywords, use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Google Trends, KwFinder, LongTailPro, SEMrush, Moz Keyword Research Tool.  Even you can do research on hashtags of trending topics on social media of your niche.

For freshness and uniqueness of the content, always use grammar and plagiarism checker tools. 


# ADVERTISEPromote your Brand


In today’s scenario, you cannot avoid paid advertising. You have to select the platforms where your audience has more presence.

Opt for Google Adwords, Facebook, Social Media Marketing, Youtube Advertisement by paid and unpaid methods for branding, customer acquisition, and retention.

Maintain a balance between your advertising & budget to reach your ideal audience. For videos, you have many options to create a huge audience base; like YOUTUBE & VIMEO. 

You should submit blog posts on high domain authority websites like Quora and keep answering the queries to build a slow but steady brand image.




Tracking performance is a mandatory part of your marketing strategy. With these metrics, you can get complete information about unique visitors, first-time visitors, social media response and readers’ engagement. 

Use Basic Tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Facebook Analytics, HootSuite to monitor your results.

Now I hope you can start your content marketing plan. If you have any querywrite to Tarannum Khan at

Do share your views & connect to my FacebookTwitter & LinkedIn accounts.



Tarannum Khan is a passionate and proactive Marketer, Blogger, Author, Educationist, and Speaker who has more than 6 years of experience in the field of digital marketing. She derives simple solutions for complex goals. She has Proficiency in SEO, Designing & Animation software for promotional campaigns and has Edge over Google AdWords, Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, SMM, SMO, and Blogging.Content goes here
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